☣️Hidden Labs

The umbrella holding DegenStory, The Hidden Valley and other NFT gaming projects under our wings.

Our dream is to grow our team to a point where we establish a Web 3.0 gaming company focused on bringing gamification to other projects.

Under this wing, we will have: DegenStory - which is our test 2D game and we will constantly develop it and expand it further into an MMO. The Hidden Valley - our 3D 1/1 Art collection focusing on the IP of every individual piece. Manga Series - As we try onboarding new users to Web 3.0 through our manga, watch us incorporate The Hidden Valley IP and lore. Merchandise - we have already set-up the merch site and a couple of designs ready but we won't be showing them until later.

Nah, we won't say we are bridging Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 but yeah.

Last updated