⚰️Foreseeable Issues

Highlighting the problems of this niche and how we intend to tackle them.

The underlying issues preventing mass adoption of gamification within the Web 3.0 space stems from these few problems:


Most projects have a community of 1000 - 5000 members at most and out of that amount, only a handful would actually log into to play. We intend to solve that by carrying out partnerships amongst many different projects to have them integrated into our game. This will both provide utility for their project and at the same time, increase the gamer user base for own project.


A large handful of users do not actively log into their computer or use their wallet dApps to play game, this is not seamless and feels wonky. We intend to link wallet access to mobile app for users to be able to play games on the go.

Transaction Fees

When committing a transaction on the network, you have to log into your wallet to approve it, this would mean that it will get in the way of gameplay, pay a fee for every transaction and might possibly log you out. How we intend to tackle this is to have a vault system where we keep track of the token accounts until user wants to draw out that amount from their vault.

Last updated